1 x Native Tree - Regeneration Programme
- Product code: P1TN0G
Our Commitment:
The Thundercross Team balances the environmental
challenge of being a dirt bike park, offering recreational riding to fossil
fuelled motorbikes, with a commitment to following sustainable practices in all
aspects of the Park’s business. We proudly align with the Tiaki Promise and are committed to
sustainable tourism. As guardians of this special piece of Waikato
we will protect our precious
Park, look after the land and be good guardians for future generations.
Tiaki – Care for New Zealand was created through a
collective desire to share a connection to the natural world, inspiring and
helping visitors to travel safely and conscientiously.
Native Tree Regeneration Programme:
We have two areas of significant
native bush at Thundercross, as recognised by Waikato District Council. Since 2020 we have been working with local
youth programme, Oho Mauri, on a regeneration programme at the Park, nurturing
sapling native trees and shrubs and transplanting them to new sites around the
Park, to create new areas of bush and protect our waterways.
To expand the native varieties around Thundercross, we are joining with a local Nursery to offer our visitors the opportunity to join our guardianship programme. For a donation of only $10 you can purchase a native tree that will be introduced to our Park and planted in recognition of yourself or in the memory of a special loved-one. You are welcome to write a personal note (on environmentally-friendly, compostible paper) to go in the ground with your tree.
Working with a local supplier minimises the programme’s footprint and, having been in grown in local climate and soil, enhances the new species’ chance to adapt and thrive at Thundercross. Varieties will include Kanuka, Karamu, Tikoki, Harekeke, Ti Kouka, Kowhai, Rimu, Totara, Manatu and others.
Big changes for the cost of a $10 smoko!
Help us achieve our Thundercross goal of giving back to the land where we live, work and play by planting trees for a greener tomorrow and every day after! For the price of a soft drink and a pie or a coffee and a slice, you can leave a legacy for the next millenia that, over a lifetime, will offset all those rides around our beautiful Park trails.
Please help us by supporting our restoration and regeneration programme, making a direct contribution to the protection and restoration of this beautiful Park, paying forward for future generations and remembering those who have gone before us.
We are striving to protect New Zealand's natural environment and inspiring others to do the same. Let’s all do our bit to honour the Tiaki Promise and fulfil our sustainability promise.
Thanks for your support in making a change that lasts a lifetime!
Nga mihi,
The Thundercross Team